Adding Illnesses
A beneficiary receives financial compensation and health benefits under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) or Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) because their illness comes from exposure to radiation or toxins at a nuclear weapons facility or uranium site.
Beneficiaries can receive up to $400,000 in total monetary compensation for Parts B and E. They may also be able to add additional illnesses, which can help maximize their health benefits. Here is how it can help:
- Listing more than one work related illness on a Part B claim can increase the chances of approval under the National Institution for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) dose reconstruction. This illness cannot be a Special Exposure Cohort claim.
- Additional approved illnesses can increase the amount of compensation for the impairment calculation under Part E.
- The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) covers all medical costs associated with additional illnesses.
The two categories of additional illnesses include:
- Consequential Illnesses – the illness was a “consequence” of the treatment of and/or the original diagnosis that qualified the person for coverage. Some examples are:
- The beneficiary has a pulmonary diagnosis and his/her decreased lung function causes congestive heart failure (CHF). The CHF was a result of the pulmonary illness.
- The beneficiary receives steroid inhaler treatment for his/her pulmonary issues and develops diabetes. The diabetes was a result of the steroidal medication used to treat the pulmonary diagnosis.
- Additional New Illnesses – the new diagnosis comes from radiological or toxic exposure in the workplace. Some examples are:
- The beneficiary successfully filed for cancer benefits and was approved under Part B. Later the worker is diagnosed with neuropathy because of her exposure to chemicals in the workplace. This new diagnosis of neuropathy may qualify her for coverage under Part E.
- The beneficiary develops additional cancer that isn’t a part of her original diagnosis. For instance, the worker originally qualified for lung cancer but unfortunately has now developed kidney cancer.
To add consequential or new illnesses to your benefits, contact the U.S. DOL Resource Center.
Call the Cold War Patriot Help Center at 855-230-1339 if you would like more information.