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Advisory Board to DOL to Hold Meetings May 10-11, 2022
April 27, 2022
April 27, 2022
CWP News
On April 27, 2022 the Federal Register published the notice of the Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health’s virtual meeting to be held on May 10-11, 2022 from 1 pm to 5 pm EDT both days. The public comment period will be held only on May 10, 2022 from 4:15 pm to 5:00 pm. You can access the meeting directly by visiting this page for instructions. Or you can call in using the information below:
Access code for 5/10/22
Dial: 1-877-465-7975
Enter Access Code: 2762 445 3531#
Enter Meeting Password: 22627362#
Access code for 5/11/22
Dial: 1-877-465-7975
Enter Access Code: 2761 013 8600#
Enter Meeting Password: 22627362#
Please note that the access code is different for the two days.
The tentative agenda for the Advisory Board meeting includes:
- Review and follow-up on Advisory Board’s previous recommendations, data requests, and action items;
- Discussion of resources requested;
- Review responses to Board questions;
- Review of claims by Board members;
- Follow up on prior Board recommendations;
- Review of Board tasks, structure and work agenda;
- Consideration of any new issues; and
- Public comments.
If you want to address the Advisory Board at the meeting you must submit a request to speak by May 3, 2022. Your request may include:
- The amount of time requested to speak;
- The interest you represent (e.g., business, organization, affiliation), if any; and
- A brief outline of the presentation.
Electronically: Send to: [email protected] (specify in the email subject line, for example “Request to Speak: Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health”).
- Mail, express delivery, hand delivery, messenger, or courier service: Submit one copy to the following address: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health, Room S-3522, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210.
Instructions: Your submissions must include the Agency name (OWCP), the committee name (the Advisory Board), and the meeting date (May 10-11, 2022). Due to security-related procedures, receipt of submissions by regular mail may experience significant delays. Because of the late publication of the meeting’s notice in the Federal Register, using the U.S. Mail is not advisable since the information is due by May 3, 2022.
Cold War Patriots will provide a summary of the meeting for those who will not be able to attend.