Impairment Rating and Disability Determination
Source: eMedicine from WebMD Description: A comprehensive explanation of the terms and methods for determining impairment ratings and disability determinations. Link: View resource (eMedicine.com)
Source: eMedicine from WebMD Description: A comprehensive explanation of the terms and methods for determining impairment ratings and disability determinations. Link: View resource (eMedicine.com)
Source: Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Description: With one click, access the best science, the latest research, and the most important information…
Source: U.S. Department of Energy Description: A unique and unparalleled repository of data, providing access to information critical to understanding radiation health effects that link specific illnesses to specific DOE sites.…
Resources to assist in filing a claim and in establishing a link between your illness and your work place exposure. Browse Resources
Source: U.S. Department of Labor Division of Energy Employees Occupational Compensation Illness Division (EEOICPA) Description: Official site of the Department of Labor that administers the EEOICPA (Part B & Part…
Information and resources describing the EEOICPA and RECA programs and required eligibility. Browse Resources
Source: U.S. Department of Justice Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Program - Home Page Description: Offical site of the Department of Justice that administers the RECA program. This site includes an…