Part B
Nuclear Weapons Workers
Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act’s (EEOICPA) Part B pays a tax-free upfront cash compensation of $150,000 and free lifetime health benefits for their qualifying illness. There are over 350 approved facilities where they may have been exposed to radioactivity, beryllium, or silica. Claimants must prove their work history and have been diagnosed with cancer, chronic beryllium disease, or silicosis at an underground site. After a claim is filed with the U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL), it is reviewed to determine if the claimant’s diagnosed illness was possibly caused by their work exposure.
Uranium Miners, Millers, and Haulers
Uranium miners, millers, and transporters are paid a tax-free upfront cash compensation of $100,000 under Section 5 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) and $50,000 under EEOICPA making it a total of $150,000. Since they are automatically covered under EEOICPA’s Part B, they also get free lifetime health benefits. For a uranium worker to qualify they must have worked for at least one year in the industry before 1972 and have certain cancers, respiratory or renal diseases. After a claim is filed with the Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) it is reviewed to determine if the claimant’s diagnosed illness was possibly caused by their work exposure. The Department of Justice is ultimately responsible for the claim.
Part E
In 2004, EEOICPA was amended and Part E was added to provide free lifetime health benefits and pay up to $250,000 in compensation if one of two situations occur:
- Illnesses other than cancers, chronic beryllium disease, or silicosis that may have been the result of their workplace exposure to radiation or toxic substances such as hydrocarbons, acids, cleaning solvents, and many other chemicals.
- Impairment of a worker’s health due to a Part B illness.
Illnesses that are not cancers, chronic beryllium disease, or silicosis. Claimants must prove their work history and have been diagnosed with a qualifying illness. After a claim is filed with the Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) it is reviewed to determine if the claimant’s diagnosed illness was possibly caused by their work exposure.
Workers approved for Part B receives $150,000 upfront cash compensation and free health care and can ask U.S. DOL for further compensation under Part E solvents, and many other chemicals. Medical tests are done and the results are submitted to an authorized impairment specialist or the U.S. DOL for evaluation. Part E compensates a successful claimant $2,500 for every 1% of health impairment, up to a maximum of $250,000. Impairment can be recalculated every 2 years or if a significant decrease in the claimant’s health has occurred.
Part E also compensates claimants for their wage loss resulting from an illness caused by their exposure. Wage loss is calculated at $10,000 for each year the worker was only able to earn 25 to 50% of what their Average Annual Wage (AAW) would have been. Or, $15,000 per year if the lower wage is over 50% of the AAW. The amount paid for wage loss deducts from the available $250,000 Part E amount.
Lump sum cash compensation to survivors are also available under both Parts B and E.
Call the Cold War Patriot Help Center at 855-230-1339 if you would like more information.