
people handling paperwork
Talk to Terrie: Filing for Consequential Diseases

Many workers who have been approved by the Department of Labor’s Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (DEEOIC) know that if they develop a disease that is the…

map of the U.S. with nuclear facilities highlighted with the title
Talk to Terrie: Part 2 – Pantex History…

Part 2 of the Pantex history deals the request from an individual asking for details about significant incidents that occurred at Pantex.  Finding accident reports proved to be quite difficult. …

map of the U.S. with nuclear facilities highlighted with the title
Talk to Terrie: Part 1 – History of…

You asked and we're answering. You may remember Cold War Patriots asked what subjects you would like to read in our blogs. We received many responses and I appreciate the…

Talk to Terrie: Claims Examiners Target Timelines

How long does it take? Frequently claimants ask how long it normally takes the Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) to process claims. There is no hard and…

stethoscope and money medical card
Don’t Delay Your Medical Benefits

As of November 2021, there are already 1,925 U.S. Department of Labor medical benefits white card applications (and counting) in the system waiting to be processed ahead of yours. This…

Talk to Terrie: The Trinity Site

Did you know that while the Trinity site is a covered facility under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICP), that the downwinders in that area are currently excluded…

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Talk to Terrie: Helpful Hints for Part E…

Sometimes in the course of the claim process you may be asked to provide evidence that you were exposed to a toxic substance. “Where in the world will I find…

Discussions with Deb: That Unhealthy Glow

Thinking back to high school, one of the things that fascinated me about the fall of the Roman Empire was that the Romans poisoned themselves with lead in cosmetics. We…

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