
map of Europe highlighting different areas of Germany
Talk to Terrie: A Country (and City) Divided

Many of you who are reading this grew up during the Cold War. We heard in school and from the news about different events that were happening around the world.…

Discussions with Deb: The UPPU Club

There were many clubs that workers from the nuclear labs belonged to. Some belonged to Junior Chamber of Commerce, some to bowling clubs, baseball clubs, or philosophy clubs (although I…

Doctor talking to patient
Talk To Terrie: Workers Deserve a Mayo Clinic-Type…

It has always been a dream of mine that former and current nuclear weapons workers, including uranium mining workers covered under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA be provided with…

Talk to Terrie: Conversation with a Uranium Miner

With the current push to expand and reform the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA), I realized that I knew very little about uranium mining.  I reached out to Ron Pene,…

Talk to Terrie: True or False?

Fact or Fiction? Growing up during the Cold War, my teachers would tell us stories about life in the USSR, our enemy during that time. I imagine this had a…

Discussions with Deb: Drinks with a Kick

Let’s face it. We are all looking for ways to improve our energy these days. While we are likely to reach for coffee, tea, or soda a hundred years ago…

Senior couple looking at each other and smiling
DEEOIC Explains Medical Benefits During Webinar

The Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) held a very informative webinar about medical benefits on April 21, 2021.  Doug Pennington, Deputy Director, and Lance Lanier, Chief, Branch…

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