Filing For Benefits

Many people have questions about how to file for benefits under Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) and Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). Please call the Cold War Patriots (CWP) Help Center at (800) 903-8989 where our team of experts, many of whom are former nuclear weapons or uranium workers like you, can help you navigate the filing process.

  1. Following is some high level information of the claim filing process: The first step to file a claim is to make an appointment with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Energy Resource Center closest to the last facility where you worked, or near where you live now. A DOL representative will guide you through the paperwork and help you put together documentation to support your claim. Call the CWP Help Center if you would like help finding the appropriate Energy Resource Center.
  2. Once you complete your claim paperwork, the DOL Energy Resource Center will forward all of your documentation to a DOL district office.  A district representative there will review your claim to determine if exposure to radioactivity or toxins at a nuclear weapons or uranium facility caused your illness and whether you qualify for financial compensation If you qualify, the district office will issue payments and send you a US DOL white medical benefits card that covers all medical costs associated with your qualifying illness.
  3. If you qualify under Part B of EEOICPA, DOL will issue you payment of $150,000. You may also be eligible for up to an additional $250,000 under Part E of EEOICPA.
  4. While the claims process is straightforward, some claimants have difficulty finding work records. If a survivor files a claim, they may not have all of the information that’s needed because their spouse may have worked at a top-secret nuclear weapons facility. Even medical records can be hard to locate.  You may want to consider engaging an advocate to help you if you have a complex claim.  Advocates can charge a contingency fee of up to 10% of a claimant’s payment. The CWP Help Center can assist you in finding an advocate.
  5. If you have question, call the CWP Help Center at 855-230-1339.
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