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Government Workers Kept in the Dark About Toxic Workplace

May 23, 2019

May 23, 2019

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Industry News

As US modernizes its nuclear weapons, NCR looks at the legacy of one Cold War-era plant

By: Claire Schaeffer-Duffy

Editor’s note: As the government invests in the modernization of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, while weakening environmental regulations and federal laws protecting worker safety, National Catholic Reporter looks at the toxic legacy of one shuttered weapons plant in Kansas City, Missouri.

In a three-part series about the Kansas City Plant on Bannister Road and its successor 8 miles south, NCR reviews hundreds of pages of government reports and environmental summaries, and interviews more than two dozen sources, including five plant workers and their families, three former federal employees who worked nearby, nuclear industry and government officials, health experts, business sources, state environmental regulators and a former city councilman.

This is Part 1.

To read the full article in the National Catholic Reporter, please click here.

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