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Revised DEEOIC Procedure Manual now available
April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
CWP News
The Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation recently released Version 6.0 of the Procedure Manual. The highlights of the changes can be found below.
Claims examiners (CE) are solely responsible for determining whether an authorized representative (AR) has a conflict of interest. For example, a conflict will exist if an AR also works for a medical provider who receives reimbursement from DEEOIC for providing medical services to a covered worker.
This is because those other financial interests may be more lucrative to an AR, and therefore may be more important, than the potential amount of the fee for representing a client with a claim before DEEOIC. These sorts of divided interests on the part of ARs might motivate representatives to act in a manner contrary to a claimant’s best interests and are not allowed under this policy.
The conflict remains even if the claimant acknowledges and accepts the conflict. If there is a potential for a conflict, the CE will investigate and provide the designated AR the opportunity to withdraw as the AR or provide documentation that no conflict exists. If a conflict is found the CE will notify the claimant only and provide the opportunity to designate a different AR.
The update provided a list of government organization who are not eligible to file a claim under the program. They are,
(1) United States Army;
(2) United States Marine Corps;
(3) United States Navy;
(4) United States Air Force;
(5) United States Coast Guard;
(6) United States Space Force;
(7) Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service;
(8) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Office Corps.
The revised PM also provides a schedule of the days the District Offices sends the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) claims for dose reconstruction.
Tuesday: Jacksonville
Wednesday: Cleveland
Thursday: Denver
Friday: Seattle
Impairment claims for psychiatric disorders must be based on the approved claim for a dysfunction of the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord, nerve roots, and/or peripheral nerves and muscles.