CWP News | CWP Admin
Summary: 117th Advisory Board Teleconference 6/6/17
June 14, 2017
June 14, 2017
CWP Admin
CWP News
By Terrie Barrie
Ted Katz, the Designated Federal Official, collected the votes on two Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) petitions from the Board members who were unable to attend the March meeting. The Board unanimously voted to deny the petition for Carborundum with Dr. Poston abstaining. The vote on the Rocky Flats SEC petition was closer. Eight members agreed that the National institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has sufficient information to reconstruct dose and therefore voted against expanding the class. Five other members decided NIOSH could not and two members abstained from voting.
There was one outstanding issue from the March meeting with the General Steel Industries site profile. There was a concern from the board that NIOSH’s explanation for the latest revision to the dose reconstruction methodology was only verbally submitted. They asked, in March, that NIOSH submit a written document. NIOSH did and the board voted to approve and close out the site profile issue.
The next in-person Board meeting will be held in Santa Fe, NM August 23-24, 2017. The proposed discussions will include:
- Pantex site profile issues
- Report from Site Profile Working Group
- Pacific Proving Ground site profile
- Fernald site profile
- Idaho National Lab SEC petition
- Los Alamos SEC petition
- Metals and Controls SEC petition
- Santa Susanna Area IV SEC petition
- Savannah River Site co-worker model
NIOSH hopes to have the relevant documents provided to the working groups in the near future so that the working groups can schedule meetings and report their findings to the full board in August.