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Lt. Gov. McNally Attends CWP Ice Cream Social Event
May 16, 2019
May 16, 2019
Industry News
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Randy McNally attended one of the Cold War Patriots Ice Cream Social events this week in Oak Ridge, TN. We were all very excited and honored to have him in attendance. Please see several photos below of the Gov. and Mayor Terry Frank as “Celebrity Scoopers” serving ice cream to our Cold War Patriot members.
TN Lt. Gov. Randy McNally serving an event attendee Bruster’s ice cream
TN Lt. Gov. Randy McNally and Mayor Terry Frank serving ice cream as “Celebrity Scoopers” at the CWP Ice Cream Social this week.
CWP thanks Lt. Gov. McNally for coming out to support our ice cream social event!
By McNally
A RESOLUTION to honor and commend Cold War Patriots on the occasion of their ice cream social. WHEREAS, it is fitting that the members of this General Assembly should specially recognize those estimable individuals and organizations that are dedicated to helping others; and WHEREAS, one such notable organization is Cold War Patriots, which will be holding its ice cream social for Oak Ridge nuclear facilities workers at the Oak Ridge Civic Center on May 15, 2019; and WHEREAS, founded in 2008, Cold War Patriots is a membership organization that provides recognition and resources to the nuclear weapons and uranium worker community; and WHEREAS, this year, Cold War Patriots will host four ice cream social events, which will feature a live DJ and photo booth, door and raffle prizes, and a grand prize giveaway while attendees enjoy ice cream; and WHEREAS, the members of Cold War Patriots are exemplary Tennesseans, and their commitment to helping others should be specially recognized; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING, that we honor and commend the members of Cold War Patriots for hosting an ice cream social at the Oak Ridge Civic Center and extend to them our best wishes for every future success.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an appropriate copy of this resolution be prepared for presentation with this final clause omitted from such copy.