Industry News | CWP
April Meetings: Agendas for the ABRWH and the ABTSWH
April 7, 2021
April 7, 2021
Industry News
Both the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (ABRWH), which advises the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health (ABTSWH), which advised the Department of Labor’s Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) have released information on their meeting this month.
Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health
ABRWH will hold a virtual meeting April 14-15, 2021. The meeting on both days will begin at 1 pm EDT. The agenda includes a lengthy discussion of the Special Exposure Cohort petition for the Savannah River Site construction trade subcontractors on April 15, 2021. Public comments will be heard the day before, April 14, 2021 beginning at 5:15 pm EDT. NIOSH has published the various presentations that will be made to the board members. The access information needed to listen to the meeting is,
Phone: 866-659-0537, Participant Code: 9933701#
Skype Link: https://webconf.cdc.gov/zab6/yzdq02pl?sl=1
Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health
ABTSWH will meet April 22-23, 2021, via teleconference, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on each day.
The tentative agenda for the Advisory Board meeting includes:
- Review and follow-up on Advisory Board’s previous recommendations, data requests, and action items;
- Discussion of resources requested;
- Discussions by Advisory Board working groups;
- Review of public comments;
- Review of Board tasks, structure and work agenda;
- Consideration of any new issues; and
- Public comments.
If you want to address the Advisory Board at the meeting you must submit a request to speak, as well as any written or electronic presentation, by April 15, 2021, using one of the methods listed in the SUMMARY section. Your request may include:
- The amount of time requested to speak;
- The interest you represent (e.g., business, organization, affiliation), if any; and
- A brief outline of the presentation.
This request to speak can be sent electronically to: [email protected] (specify in the email subject line, for example “Request to Speak: Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health”).
Or by mail, express delivery, hand delivery, messenger, or courier service: Submit one copy to the following address: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health, Room S-3522, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210.
In the past, the Chair of the Board, Dr. Steven Markowitz, has allowed commenters to speak even if they did not register. Registering before the meeting allows the Board to have a general understanding about how many people wish to provide the board members with insight or explain issues they face during the claims process.
The access information to listen to the meeting has not yet been posted. Cold War Patriots will update this article when that information becomes available.