
Doctor speaking with patient in doctors office
Sitting is the New Smoking – the value…

It was a Mayo Clinic doctor who originally coined the phrase “sitting is the new smoking.” Since then, there have been multiple “sitting is the new smoking” studies. And for…

man speaking to group of people at a museum
Atomic Legacy Cabin – 2025 CWP Calendar Tour

Cold War Patriots members, along with their friends and families, joined us for our second tour on “A Road Trip through the Atomic Age” for the 2025 Cold War Patriots…

Sooner, Not Later

By Tim Lerew, Cold War Patriots Strategic Advocacy, Emeritus Medically, when was the last time that waiting to see a doctor about a persistent symptom or issue improved the…

Female doctor holding stethoscope to older mans back
Is Your Doctor Right for You?

There was a time in America when patients saw the same doctor for whatever ailed them — from the time they were born sometimes to the time that they died.…

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