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16th Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™ Recap
November 12, 2024
November 12, 2024
CWP Blog
Thank you to all the Cold War Patriots members, their family and friends who joined us at this year’s 16th Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™ ceremonies. At Cold War Patriots it is our mission to provide recognition and resources to the nuclear weapons and uranium worker community. By doing this advocacy work, we recognize that our involvement allows other organizations to host their own National Day of Remembrance events. We are proud to be the only organization since 2009 to have hosted National Day of Remembrance ceremonies and continue to be the only organization to work directly with the Senate to ensure its resolution passes.
16th Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™ Recap
This year we returned with in-person ceremonies in Oak Ridge, TN, Albuquerque, NM, and Richland, WA. Upon arrival, workers received a commemorative brass keychain, with a special NDR and CWP member messages. Guests were encouraged to sign an official National Day of Remembrance banner with their own names, as well as the names of those who we have lost. Cards were available for guests to add the names of workers who have passed so they could be recognized and read aloud during the program.
At Cold War Patriots, we always want to amplify the voice of the workers and their communities. Next, we heard speeches from former workers, advocates, the U.S. Department of Labor Ombudsman’s Office, the Ombudsman to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) office, a Mayor, Lt. Governor, City Manager, Historian, Photographer, Senior Care Centers, Union Leaders, and the Doctors and Nurses who provided care for those recently deceased workers.
Each speaker honored, remembered, and paid tribute to those who worked in the nuclear weapons and uranium complex. Many of these stories brought tears to guests’ eyes, as they recalled the selfless nature of the community and the affect each worker, their friends and families, had on them.
The names of our Fallen Heroes were read, while sixteen candles were lit in their honor. Each one of these heroes was a light that illuminated not only the lives of their families, friends, and co-workers, but their work and light also lit our nation and those citizens our nation protects, with the precious light of freedom and liberty. Immediately following the candle lighting were emotional performances by local high school and middle school choirs.
We are forever grateful for the sacrifices all nuclear weapons, uranium workers, and their families made to keep America safe. It is our great honor to recognize and remember our Fallen Heroes and Living Legends. We look forward to seeing you at our 17th Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™.
For those unable to attend in-person, we hosted a virtual National Day of Remembrance on October 30th. We heard special messages from the Lead Senate Co-Sponsors, the U.S. DOL Ombudsman’s Office and the Ombudsman to NIOSH. We then lit a virtual candle and encouraged those at home to light their name, as we listed the names of workers across the country who had recently passed. Over 5,000 names were featured and honored. Thank you to the families and friends who submitted a workers name, we were grateful and moved to have honored their legacy together.
Below are the videos and photos from the in-person and virtual 16th Official Cold War Patriots National Day of Remembrance™ ceremonies.
Since 2020 the Lead Senate Co-Sponsors have been Senator Patty Murray (WA-D) and Marsha Blackburn (TN-R). Both shared video messages with Cold War Patriots members at our Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™ ceremonies:
- Click here to watch Senator Patty Murray (WA-D) message.
- Click here to watch Senator Marsha Blackburn (TN-R) message.
The U.S. DOL Ombudsman for EEOICP attend in-person and shared a special video message for the virtual NDR. Within the U.S. DOL Ombudsman offices, their mission is to provide information, guidance, and assistance to those who worked in our nation’s nuclear weapons complex and uranium mines and mills, and address complaints, concerns and grievances related to EEOICP regulations, policies, and practices. We are grateful for their support and thank them for attending.
The Ombudsman to NIOSH for EEOICPA, Denise Brock, shared a video message played at both the in-person and virtual NDR. Ms. Brock helps individuals with a variety of issues about the SEC petition process and the dose reconstruction process. Denise is the daughter of former uranium workers from the Mallinckrodt Chemical Plant in St. Louis, Missouri. We appreciate Ms. Brock’s support and thoughtful message to nuclear weapons and uranium workers.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 22, 2024
Thank you to our co-sponsors, Professional Case Management and Cancer Services of New Mexico.
Richland, Washington, October 25, 2024
Thank you to our co-sponsors, Professional Case Management and Chaplaincy Hospice & Palliative Care.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 30, 2024
Thank you to our co-sponsors, Professional Case Management and Cancer Support Community East Tennessee. All photos taken and provided by Brett Pate, Retired Y-12 Photographer.