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Sooner, Not Later

February 11, 2025

February 11, 2025

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CWP Blog

Tim LerewBy Tim Lerew, Cold War Patriots Strategic Advocacy, Emeritus

Medically, when was the last time that waiting to see a doctor about a persistent symptom or issue improved the outcome?  Sure, the occasional cold, ache or pain that resolves itself in a few days are the common exceptions that we’re all familiar with. But what about the person that has ongoing shortness of breath over several months, or even years? Or that persistent pain on the left side or your back? Or that ongoing fatigue each day, even after an afternoon nap?

As a current or former nuclear weapons or uranium worker, it is wise for you to be especially alert to symptoms that don’t improve, or even get gradually worse, over time. The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Program (EEOICP) was created by an act of Congress in 2000. Since then, it has provided comprehensive health care and compensation to over 108,000 workers made sick from radiation or exposure to a vast array of toxic substances. Yet the essential first step to receiving special medical benefits and significant cash compensation is a clinical diagnosis of the health problem.

Symptoms and Starting EEOICP Claims

Let’s take the symptoms we’ve described, by way of example, as motivation to visit a medical doctor. That individual who finds stairs more than a normal challenge, needs to frequently stop and sit when out and about doing errands, or even has unusual snoring while asleep could have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD. Or emphysema. Or a host of other respiratory illnesses. But by going to the doctor, and having the physician diagnosis the illness, that provides the essential first step in subsequently filing a claim under EEOICP. With a diagnosis in hand, the worker can then file a claim with the U.S. Department of Labor under EEOICP.

So, you’ve done the right thing — you saw a doctor about your ongoing symptoms. He or she perhaps conducted tests, along with your examination, and provided a diagnosis. That was, and is, the essential first step to an EEOICP claim. But the important second step is just as essential as the first — you must file a claim under EEOICP for benefits related to that illness. Do this as soon as possible. The reason is written right into the law itself — medical expenses, treatment and compensation are all effective, once the claim is approved, retroactive to the original date of filing.

Yes, EEOICP claims often take months, sometimes even years, to be processed, and hopefully approved. So, if your claim is among those that is eventually approved, all necessary medical and treatment expenses, including medication, surgeries, hospitalizations, in-home care, medical equipment, and more, can be reimbursed retroactively to the date your claim was first filed. For many people, this can amount to many thousands of dollars.

You should never wait to get doctor-ordered, potentially life-improving or saving, medical interventions for your illness. If your EEOICP claim is approved, and approximately half of all claimants do get some approval, all your medical co-pays and deductibles related to the claim can also be reimbursed. When a surgery or hospitalization is involved, which can run into many thousands of dollars, under your approved EEOICP claim, it is now reimbursed to you and your family.

Individual Claim Evaluations

One of the other factors to consider when applying for EEOICP benefits is that it takes time. One of the questions we’re frequently asked at Cold War Patriots events is, “How long will my claims process take?”

There is not a single answer, as each claim is evaluated individually. Typically, once the claim is filed, a U.S. Department of Labor Claims Examiner is assigned to your claim. From that point, it is not unusual for you and your doctors to receive, and respond to, many requests and letters seeking documentation or other information related to your claim and employment. Depending on the claim, this process can take anywhere from a few months to well more than a year. So, starting the process now brings the date of a potential approval — and the medical and financial benefits that also come with an approved claim — that much sooner.

Optional Claims Support

Over the years, the complexity of the claims process has led to many professional advocates acting as your Authorized Representative, should you choose to use one for your claim. These range from an experienced former nuclear complex worker helping a few others who worked alongside them at the plant, to lawyers and other professionals that have successfully managed literally hundreds of individual claims. Most charge a percentage fee, from 2% to 10% of the money you could eventually receive from a successful claim.

The Cold War Patriots Help Center, available by phone at (855) 230-1339 or email at [email protected], is a valuable free resource on your claims journey. You can ask Cold War Patriots Help Center representatives questions to help decide if one of these service providers makes sense for you. Other nuclear weapons and uranium workers feel their claim could be successfully managed themselves. Cold War Patriots Help Center representatives can support workers filing claims themselves as well. It’s up to you.

Compensation for You and Loved Ones

Do you need one more compelling reason to start a claim sooner than later? As we age, these work-related illnesses impose their own penalty on our life expectancy. Like it or not, our days are numbered. But here’s the thing about EEOICP benefits — in almost all situations, the cash compensation portion of your potential benefits is greater while you are living, and family survivor benefits to your family are significantly less once you’re gone.

That fact can make a substantial difference for your spouse and family. So many times, I’ve come across former workers whose advancing illnesses were very likely work-related, but until we met, they just had not taken that first step to use their diagnosis to file a claim. Or they did start their own claim but were stymied by a complicated letter from the U.S. Department of Labor seeking additional information to go forward.

If a claimant is near end of life, we have seen the professionals at the U.S. Department of Labor make extraordinary efforts to swiftly complete the claims process — and deposit the full compensation associated with it — before the worker passes. Sadly, they can’t always do so in time.

So, have we made a strong enough case for you to act now instead of later? You might still be wondering how to start or have questions about how the U.S. Department of Labor’s Energy Resource Centers can help. Again, the best place to begin is with a free phone call and conversation with a Cold War Patriots Help Center representative — they will never charge to assist you. Call Cold War Patriots today at (855) 230-1339 or email us at [email protected].

Your national security work in the nuclear weapons and uranium industries supported our country’s defenses — don’t hesitate to access the benefits our country created to better manage your work-related illnesses and uplift you and your family.

To learn more about turning a potentially work-related diagnosis into an EEOICP benefits claim, call Cold War Patriots at (855) 230-1339 or email us at [email protected].

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