Industry News | CWP
CNSI, Your New Medical Bill Processing Provider
May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020
Industry News
On April 27th, CNSI became your new medical bill processer for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICP). Formerly, Conduent was the medical bill processer. Due to this change, you and your medical providers need to take action in order for you to continue to receive the care that you earned.

Changes to your U.S. Department of Labor White Medical Benefits Card.
By now, you should have received the new white medical benefits card in the mail along with a Welcome Letter. You will notice the information on the card has changed. CNSI no longer uses a card ID number to identify your benefit. Instead, they now reference your case number.
The case number can be found on the front of your new card. The case number ranges from 4 to 12 digits in length. This case number is the way CNSI will identify you and cover your care under the EEOICP. Please make sure your medical provider has a new copy of this card the next time you visit their office or receive home care from them.
Why is the Case Number important to your medical provider?
Previously, your medical provider used your card ID number or your social security number to reference you when billing the U.S. DOL for the care that they provided. CNSI now only accepts your case number.
If your provider continues to reference the old card ID number or your social security number after April 27, 2020, their request for payment will be rejected and returned. As you might imagine, this not only frustrates your provider but is also costly due to the time it takes for them to resubmit this information to CNSI with your case number.
Please make sure you proactively communicate your new case number to your provider the next time you visit their office to receive care or they come to your home to deliver care. The Cold War Patriot’s Provider Conversion Checklist can help you and your provider manage this transition.
Do I need to register my new U.S. DOL White Medical Benefits Card before using it?
The quick answer to this question is “no”. However, CNSI has rolled out a new claimant web portal that makes accessing your benefit history and requesting reimbursement so much easier! However, you do need to register for this new portal to start using it.
Here are some of the features associated with the new claimant portal:
- The last seven years of bill history information is available for your review.
- You will be able to inquire about the accepted conditions associated with your case.
- New to your claimant portal is your ability to now access the authorizations that your medical providers submitted on your behalf. You are now able to see the authorization status, the provider who is requesting the authorization, the requested procedure, and service dates.
- Lastly, you will be able to electronically view all the correspondence that has been sent to you which makes record keeping much easier and straightforward.
CNSI provides a comprehensive set of tutorials and trainings to get you started on this new portal. Please click here to access these tutorials and trainings. These tutorials and trainings will show you how to register and login to the portal, as well as provide an overview on how to navigate the new portal.
Cold War Patriots is here to help.
As the nation’s strongest and most sustained resource and advocacy membership organization for nuclear weapons and uranium workers, Cold War Patriots is here to help you and your providers during this transition.
Though we are not affiliated with the United States Department of Labor or CNSI, we see it as our responsibility to make sure you and your providers stay informed. Please call our Outreach Help Center (888-903-8989) if you have any questions regarding this transition.