Painter, Construction Expert and Community Volunteer
Johnny T.
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) | 2009-2017 | Painter and Drywall Installer
Cold War Patriots is delighted to introduce you to our November 2021 Everyday Patriot, Johnny T.!
Johnny spent several years working at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) where he worked as a painter and a drywall installer. He worked long hours and sometimes up to seven days a week. While the work was exhausting, Johnny connected with many of his colleagues and enjoyed working with a group of great individuals.
His hard work and commitment to helping others continued after he worked at LANL. Following his years at LANL and even to this day, Johnny volunteers at a variety of local organizations including the Roadrunner Food Bank of New Mexico, Saint Vincent DePaul Food Bank, and a few other local food banks. He also provides rides to community members who do not have access to transportation and helps people in his community who need assistance with projects around their homes.
When asked what advice he would give to former workers, Johnny said that he would recommend for them to remain active. “Exercise daily, stay occupied, and do not just sit around,” said Johnny.
Don also enjoys spending time with his wife Jeanette, and their three children and six grandchildren. His hobbies include wood carving and researching his own genealogy. He loves helping others and continuing to stay as active as possible. Being a part of a local retiree breakfast group is something Don recommends for other workers so they can stay connected with former colleagues.