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Industry News | CWP

NIOSH Updates on Pause Dose Reconstruction Claims

September 17, 2021

September 17, 2021

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Industry News

On September 15, 2021, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health provided the following update on the status of the pause in dose reconstruction claims.

NIOSH recognizes the hardship that a delay in radiation dose reconstructions and claims processing has placed on claimants and their families. We are working diligently to improve the processes needed to achieve steady-state production and timely claims processing. Earlier this year, a routine scan of the code for the system used for dose reconstruction revealed security concerns. The system could no longer be updated to meet current cybersecurity requirements. Due to the sensitive claimant information needed to conduct radiation dose reconstructions and the potential risk for a data breach, NIOSH management made the difficult decision to pause the program.

We continue to develop new, more secure automation and data management capabilities to protect the sensitive data within the system and the privacy of claimants. While it was estimated to take two to four months, unforeseen challenges arose in aligning the DOL and CDC IT environments. NIOSH resolved these challenges and is now exchanging files with DOL within a secure workspace. We are making every effort to address the backlog of claims as quickly as possible by reassigning staff and adding additional resources. Dose reconstructions for claimants with terminal diagnoses continue even during the pause and remain our highest priority.

DCAS developed the FAQs: Cybersecurity Modernization Initiative page on our website to help answer questions about this review. If you have more questions that are not covered on the FAQs page, please visit the Contact Us page for information about how to reach us during this effort.

Cold War Patriots will continue to keep our members up to date on the latest news for this critical issue.

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