Industry News | CWP
New changes in DOL’s medical billing contractor and new addresses
March 23, 2020
March 23, 2020
Industry News
Department of Labor issues notification of changes to mailing addresses and medical billing contractor
The Department of Labor’s Division of Energy Employee’s Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) will be making some changes to their mailing addresses and medical billing contractor.
- You can refer to https://prod.wcmbp.com/outreach for information about the transition. This link will be available until April 24, 2020.
- You can obtain general information regarding DEEOIC by visiting our website at https://www.dol.gov/owcp/energy/
New Mailing Address for Central Mailroom
Beginning April 27, 2020, there will be a new mailing address for the Central Mailroom. Please send all correspondence and exhibits in support of your claim to the new address located at:
U.S. Department of Labor
DEEOIC Central Mailroom
PO Box 47050
San Antonio, TX 78265
Be sure to write your Last Name and Case ID Number on the top right-hand corner of all correspondence. Remember, do not send original documents such as certified birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates with a raised seal, or original pictures, as DEEOIC will not be returning these documents.
Mail addressed to our former mailroom will be forwarded to the new address until May 31, 2020.
You may still use the online Energy Document Portal at https://eclaimant.dol-esa.gov/portal when submitting evidence in support of your claim.
Changes due to new medical billing contractor
Beginning April 27, 2020, there will be a new mailing address for the medical bill processing contractor. The new mailing address for medical bills will be:
Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program
PO Box 34930
San Antonio, TX 78265
New White Cards
Claimants who have been approved for medical benefits under the EEOICPA will receive Notification Letters and new Medical Benefits Identification cards (MBIC). However, your benefits are not changing and all medical services will continue to be paid based on the OWCP fee schedule. The MBIC card lists your Name and Case ID Number. It also includes a statement that no co-pay or deductible is required for services rendered. Please remember to bring your new MBIC card to your appointments; your medical provider must include your Case ID Number from this card with his or her bill payment request. You can destroy your old cards after April 27, 2020.
Beginning April 27, 2020, you can view your accepted conditions, status of submitted bills, authorization requests, and covered medical services associated with your claim by visiting the following website https://owcpmed.dol.gov.
If you have any questions regarding medical bills, call toll-free at 1-866-272-2682. The hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). Pharmacy questions can be directed to 1-866-664-5581.
Information for Medical Providers
If currently enrolled, your medical provider will receive an Outreach Letter approximately 30 – 40 days before the WCMBP system goes live. This letter will deliver give your medical provider information about the upcoming system launch.
Your medical provider will also receive a separate Welcome/Registration Letter approximately two weeks before the WCMBP system goes live. The welcome letter will tell your provider how to register for access to the WCMBP system.
The WCMBP system will offer more online functions and robust support, making it easier and faster to verify claimant eligibility, submit authorizations, submit bills, and view remittance vouchers. Additionally, it offers:
- Payment processing through electronic funds transfer (EFT)
- Web-enabled document uploads
- Improved bill screening and validations
- Online access for eligibility inquiries
- Reminder notifications about license expiration dates
- Electronic forms
- Enhanced data reporting
- Alerts for pre-authorization requirements
- Notification of duplicate authorizations
What Your Provider Needs to Know
- To receive payment for approved services, you must register with OWCP Connect and enroll in the new system. If you were enrolled in the previous system (before April 27, 2020), you will not have to re-enroll but you must register with OWCP Connect to access all the features online.
- Upon enrollment, you can elect to be added to a Provider Database searchable by claimants seeking treatment.
- Effective April 27, 2020, DEEOIC will have a new mailing address for medical bill processing. The new mailing address for medical bills is:
If you have any questions regarding medical bills, call 1-866-272-2682.
Conduent our current bill processing agent will only provide OWCP pharmacy bill processing services and will be utilizing a new website address starting April 27, 2020, and a new mailing address. Effective immediately, DEEOIC Pharmacy providers should begin using the new PO Boxes. We highly recommend transitioning to the new PO Box addresses as soon as possible Pharmacy bills should be mailed to:
Department of Labor Pharmacy Bill Processing, DEEOIC
PO Box 8310
London, KY 40742-8310
If you have any questions, please give our Outreach Help Center a call: 888-837-7390