COVID-19 Updates | CWP
Discussions with Deb: Getting Through These Difficult Times
March 24, 2020
March 24, 2020
COVID-19 Updates
I’m sure you all have heard the same health tips I have for staying safe during this COVID-19 outbreak:
- Wash your hands
- Don’t cough on your hands
- Don’t touch your face
- Stay away from people as much as possible
Obviously, these are very important but as I am sitting at home alone with my computer it occurred to me that there are some other tips people might find useful.
Do remember, I am not a doctor or nurse, but just a person like you who has developed some strategies to get through these difficult times.
- Laughter is a great stress reliever. Seek out what makes you laugh. Share jokes with your friends via email or telephone. Watch silly TV shows or movies. Read funny books. Listen to silly songs that tickle your funny bone. I’ve found taking a short break from the real world makes a big difference.
- Listen to music. What kind of music do you like? Put on your CDs, tapes, or records. Most radio stations around the world broadcast online these days which gives you an opportunity to try something different. Explore a new genre of music and see what you think. There are many radio apps you can choose to stream music. I use Simple Radio but there are many available. My two favorite stations right now are Finland’s Radio Nostalgia and Radio Swiss Jazz. Next week I’m sure it will be something completely different.
- I love having someone read to me so I listen to audio books and stories from the radio. I always have a few audio books on my phone from our local library. They are free and there are all different kinds. One other source of stories that I enjoy is the British Broadcasting station, BBC 4 Extra. BBC 4 Extra broadcasts all kinds of stories from interviews to serial comedies and dramas. Some are old and some are new but they all give me a window into a different place.
- There is a lot of COVID-19 misinformation circulating right now. I find it really important to only get information on the virus from reliable sources. The World Health Organization (WHO) provides accurate, up-to-date information as does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Other reliable sources are major teaching hospitals around the country like John Hopkins University and Medicine and the Mayo Clinic. While there is still a lot being learned about this new virus major teaching hospitals will hopefully provide the most accurate information to keep us all safe.
- Fact check internet information and rumors. There are all kinds of bogus products and schemes out there right now sent from either ignorant people or people who want to make a fast buck off COVID-19. There are probably other but I like Snopes and FactCheck. Or check with a major teaching hospital (#4) to see if a claim is real or a hoax.
- Stay in touch. There are so many different ways to talk to each other these days. You can telephone, text, email, Facetime, Skype. Check in with your family and friends. Call your neighbors and see how they are doing. Staying connected is good for all of us.
- Be kind to yourself and each other. This is an unsettled period in our history but we will get through it.