
Nuclear Criticalities at DOE Facilities

Talk to Terrie: Nuclear Criticalities at DOE Facilities Shortly after I married my husband 31 years ago, he came home from his job at Rocky Flats with a small handbook…

CWP Nov 2019 Recipe

This year, the Cold War Patriots created a calendar filled with delicious recipes submitted by our members. Each month we will be posting a different recipe from the 2019 Cold…

CWP Oct 2019 Recipe

This year, the Cold War Patriots created a calendar filled with delicious recipes submitted by our members. Each month we will be posting a different recipe from the 2019 Cold…

U.S. Capitol building with ring of stars graphic abstract background
George Koval, Russian Spy

When George Koval died on January 31, 2006 not many people took note. Koval, a Sioux City, Iowa native, had been largely forgotten by the people he worked…

Talk to Terrie: Beer and Beryllium?

by Terrie Barrie Who would have thought that a brewery owner had the expertise to contribute to the defense of our country during WWII and the Cold War? This is…

CWP Sept 2019 Recipe:

This year, the Cold War Patriots created a calendar filled with delicious recipes submitted by our members. Each month we will be posting a different recipe from the 2019 Cold…

American flag blowing in the wind in front of a cloudy sky
Atomic Energy Commission Depository Libraries

by Deb Jerison One of the head scratchers when trying to find information about the work done by nuclear weapons workers is how to locate documents.  The Department of Energy…

CWP Aug 2019 Recipe: Peach Pie

This year, the Cold War Patriots created a calendar filled with delicious recipes submitted by our members. Each month we will be posting a different recipe from the 2019 Cold…

U.S. Capitol building with ring of stars graphic abstract background
Talk to Terrie: DOL representatives go above and…

by Terrie Barrie When praise is deserved, it must be given I am often at odds with the Department of Labor’s Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (DEEOIC),…

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