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US DOL notifies former Chicago employees of EEOICPA
March 17, 2011
March 17, 2011
CWP Admin
CWP News
The below is a republished from a press release from the Department of Labor website.
Contact Name: Jesse Lawder Michael Volpe
Phone Number: (202) 693-4659 (202) 693-3984
Email Address: [email protected] [email protected]
Release Number: 11-0254-CHI
US Department of Labor notifies former Chicago, Ill., atomic weapons employees of energy workers compensation program
WASHINGTON The U.S. Department of Labor is notifying all current and former workers of 22 atomic weapons employers in or near Chicago, Ill., about benefits that may be available to them under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act administered by the department’s Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation.
Employees of the following sites may be eligible: GSA 39th Street Warehouse, Quality Hardware and Machine Co., Sciaky Brothers Inc., Great Lakes Carbon Corp., Crane Co., Armour Research Foundation, Lindsay Light and Chemical Co., Precision Extrusion Co., W.E. Pratt Manufacturing Co., C-B Tool Products Co., ERA Tool and Engineering Co., International Register, Museum of Science and Industry, Podbeliniac Corp, R. Krasburg and Sons Manufacturing Co., Wyckoff Drawn Steel Co., National Guard Armory, Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., Kaiser Aluminum Corp., American Machine and Metals Inc., Midwest Manufacturing Co. and Swenson Evaporator Co.
The EEOICPA provides federal compensation and medical benefits to workers who became ill as a result of working in the nuclear weapons industry. Survivors of qualified workers may also be entitled to benefits.
The Labor Department is committed to assisting all workers who became ill from helping America build its nuclear defense programs, said Rachel P. Leiton, director of DEEOIC. We are particularly focused on getting this message to Cold War era workers, as there are many individuals in the area who may be eligible but have not yet filed for benefits.
Individuals can visit http://www.dol.gov/owcp/energy or contact the Labor Department’s Paducah Resource Center at 866-534-0599 to inquire about their potential eligibility.
On July 31, 2001, the Labor Department began administering Part B of the EEOICPA. Part B covers current or former workers who have been diagnosed with cancer, beryllium disease or silicosis, and whose illness was caused by exposure to radiation, beryllium or silica while working directly for the U.S. Department of Energy, that department’s contractors or subcontractors, a designated Atomic Weapons Employer or a beryllium vendor. Individuals or their survivors found eligible under Part B may receive a lump sum compensation payment of $150,000 and medical expenses for their covered condition.
To date, the department has delivered more than $132 million in compensation and medical benefits to eligible individuals living in the state of Illinois and more than $6.7 billion nationwide. To aid in this effort, the department maintains 11 resource centers nationwide to provide in-person and telephone-based assistance to service individuals regardless of where they live.