Honoring Our Living Legends and Fallen Heroes
November 8, 2023
November 8, 2023
Thank you to all the Cold War Patriots members, their family and friends who joined us at this year’s 15th Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™ events. In 2009, we held the first official National Day of Remembrance, and we were honored to be with you at the 15th annual observance.
Due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, our anniversary celebrations had to be amended these past few years and we were not able to physically come together to recognize this special day. We were excited and honored to bring back the in-person ceremonies this year, in select cities across the country. For those unable to join us in-person, we hosted a virtual ceremony which honored workers across the country.
Official Recognition
Every year since 2009, Cold War Patriots and Professional Case Management has asked the United States Senate to introduce and pass an official resolution honoring the men and women who served our nation in building and maintaining our nuclear defense. Cold War Patriots and Professional Case Management are the only advocacy and in-home care organizations that drove this effort. Click here to read the official resolution.
For the past 15 years, Cold War Patriots worked directly with Senate leaders in Washington, D.C. to ensure the resolution will not only be introduced but passed. Tim Lerew, chairman of Cold War Patriots, and the late Terrie Barrie, Cold War Patriots Advisory Board member, followed up directly with Senate leaders, making sure the nuclear weapons and uranium workers are not forgotten. In past years the lead co-sponsors of the Senate resolution included Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN). Since 2020 the Lead Senate Co-Sponsors have been Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). Both shared video messages with Cold War Patriots members at our Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™ ceremonies. Cold War Patriots is honored and proud to have worked directly with Senate leaders to ensure this passing. Click here to watch their video messages to Cold War Patriots members.
At Cold War Patriots it is our mission to provide recognition and resources to the nuclear weapons and uranium worker community. By doing this advocacy work, we recognize that our involvement allows other organizations to host their own National Day of Remembrance events. We are proud to be the only organization to have hosted events for every year since 2009 and the only organization to be working directly with the Senate to ensure its resolution passes.
15th Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™ Recap
This year we returned with in-person ceremonies at the locations below. Upon arrival, workers received a commemorative American-made genuine leather wallet. Guests were encouraged to sign an official National Day of Remembrance banner with their own names, as well as the names of those who we have lost. Cards were available for guests to add the names of workers who have passed so they could be recognized during the program. We then heard from workers, advocates, local dignitaries, the U.S. Department of Labor Ombudsman’s Office, representatives for Senators and Congressmen/women; who honored, remembered, and paid tribute to those who worked in the nuclear weapons and uranium complex. Many of these stories brought tears to guests’ eyes, as they recalled the selfless nature of the community.
The names of our Fallen Heroes were read, while fifteen candles were lit in their honor. Each one of these heroes was a light that illuminated not only the lives of their families, friends, and co-workers, but their work and light also lit our nation and those citizens our nation protects, with the precious light of freedom and liberty. Immediately following the candle lighting were emotional performances by local singers and choirs. We ended the ceremony by recognizing Bill Richardson, former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the creation of the DOE’s Tiger Teams in the 1990s which laid the foundation for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA).
We are forever grateful for the sacrifices all nuclear weapons, uranium workers, and their families made to keep America safe. It is our great honor to recognize and remember our Fallen Heroes and Living Legends. We look forward to seeing you at our 16th Official Cold War Patriots’ National Day of Remembrance™.
North Augusta, South Carolina, October 25th
Read a news article from a local North Augusta, SC newspaper
Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 26th
Richland, Washington, October 27th
Read a news article from a local Richland, WA newspaper
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 30th