
United States Capitol Building
Talk to Terrie: DEEOIC’s October Webinar

The Department of Labor’s Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) hosted its fifth webinar October 14, 2020.  The topic for this webinar was the role of the Resource…

EEOICP Celebrates 20 Years on October 30th

The EEOICP, which was passed by an historic bi-partisan Congressional vote, was enacted on October 30, 2000, to provide monetary compensation and medical benefits to employees who suffered illnesses due…

Flu Vaccine: Medical Experts Weigh In – GET…

Most adults fall into one of three categories, either they get their flu vaccine annually, or they never get one, or they do so sporadically. Medical experts agree, the 2020-2021…

United States Capitol Building
Short History of the EEOICPA

Twenty years ago, on October 30, Congress made history by passing the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA).  This compassionate legislation reversed decades of injustice for workers employed…

The History of the
National Day
of Remembrance

How It All Began Do you know how the National Day of Remembrance began? In the late 1990s groups of sick workers would travel to Washington, D.C. to educate Congress…

A group of American flags waving during the late afternoon sunset.
DEEOIC Webinar Series

DEEOIC Webinar Series

Site Exposure Matrices and Former Worker Program

August 26, 2020

2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (ET)

Click for registration: 

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